You are currently viewing Simply Nature Organic 7 Super Fruits 100% Juice Blend (Aldi)
Tart and notably addicting.

Simply Nature Organic 7 Super Fruits 100% Juice Blend (Aldi)

I’ve already taken a look at Simply Nature’s Gold Fusion drink, which blends carrot and orange juices (among others) into a delicious, semi-addicting concoction. Now let’s turn our heads to another variety from within the same expensive line: “7 Super Fruits”, containing juices from pomegranate, tart cherry, red grape, strawberry, mulberry, fig AND cranberry.

Wow, there are some things that jump right out at me just from typing those up. Like, “how can a combination of all those things even remotely taste good together?” And, “Is fig even necessary?”

All it takes is one sniff to know that this juice certainly isn’t going to shy away in the “tart” department: it smells almost like a prune, but with added sweetness. It’s kind of hard to explain (I hesitated to use the word “prune” anywhere), but it’s actually not an off-putting smell…there’s enough beyond the “prune” scent to insinuate that this might actually be pretty tasty after all.

And yes, yes it is. This one actually manages to challenge the Gold Fusion variety as my favorite in the line…something I would never have foreseen. While I think “tart” is fine in small quantities, this has way more than I’d typically associate with “fine”…and yet, somehow there’s enough sweetness to not only make it drinkable, but to make it damn near addicting. It’s the pull of both that keep me coming back for more…I’d say the majority of people who give it a shot are going to say the same thing.

It’s almost like a wine, and not just because of the red grapes, but just in the taste…you can definitely tell red grapes are in it, but it’s just one of those drinks you want to savor and roll around on your tongue before swallowing. It’s not one that I would reach for first when I was dehydrated after a long workout session, or one that I’d reach for when I was in desperate need of refreshment, but it’s the perfect companion to a tasty dinner, or a beverage to just kick back with after a long day.

Or maybe that’s all just me: the $3.89 retail price just isn’t a price tag I would just guzzle down like a Powerade; for that price, I’m going to savor the shit out of it. And thankfully, Simply Nature’s offering makes that very easy to do just that.

Overall: 8/10. This is way better than I ever thought possible. The juices of seven different fruits, ranging from cherry to fig, combine to form an addicting combination of “sweet” and “tart” that hit both profiles on the head, without overpowering the other. Seriously, the balance is incredible; I’m not usually a fan of “tart”, but I had a hard time putting the bottle down. An excellent juice, although the $3.89 price tag (thanks to the “organic” labeling) admittedly doesn’t exactly make it a “budget-friendly” item in the truest sense of the word. I’d consider it more of a worthwhile splurge.

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